ladies walking in chinatown

Why You Need to Visit San Francisco's Chinatown

The oldest Chinatown in North America, San Francisco’s 30 square blocks of tea rooms, Taoist temples, dim sum palaces, dragon sculptures and pagodas is one of the city’s top destinations.

始建于1849年淘金热时期,1906年地震后重建, 这个紧凑的社区是贝博体彩app华人社区的文化中心, the largest Asian ethnic group in the city. In fact, 该市近四分之一的居民认为自己是中国侨民的一部分, by far the highest percentage of any city in the U.S. 这使得唐人街成为“美国华人的非官方首都”,对游客来说是一个完全真实的东方沉浸.

这个社区充满了历史,但也有很多令人兴奋和新鲜的东西. From food to nightlife and even improved transit connections, San Francisco's Chinatown is at the start of an exciting rebirth. Here's how you can experience it for yourself.

How to Visit San Francisco's Chinatown

The most iconic way to get to Chinatown is by cable car. All three lines take you there from major visitor hubs like Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square, and the Embarcadero. The Central Subway Line, which connects riders to the full citywide Muni Metro 有一个唐人街站,让你正好处于社区的中心.

Because Chinatown is located next to Union Square, home to most of San Francisco’s hotels在美国,许多游客只是步行穿过布什街格兰特大道上的龙门去那里. Chinatown also blends into North Beach, San Francisco’s charming Little Italy, and the Financial District.

The Chinese Cultural Center’s History and Art Tour 是一个独特的贝博体彩app唐人街徒步之旅,旨在提升唐人街独特的视觉文化, architecture, and the neighborhood's resiliency. 它提供了对贝博体彩app湾区历史的更深入的了解,并从多方面了解唐人街文化和贝博体彩app.

What to See in San Francisco's Chinatown

Stunning Grant Avenue, 点缀着华丽的中国建筑,传统灯笼纵横交错, is the neighborhood’s bustling main drag. Make sure to explore Waverly Place还有著名的“彩绘阳台”,以及其他藏有宝藏的小巷. Swing by Stockton Street for authentic Chinese produce and fish markets.

Portsmouth Square 附近最大的公园和城市最古老的公共广场是吗. Known as “Chinatown’s Living Room”, 居民们上午聚在一起上太极课,下午聚在一起下象棋.

Right next to Portsmouth Square, the brand-new Edge on the Square 湾区第一个太平洋岛民亚裔美国当代艺术和媒体中心. Edge on the Square hosts a variety of programs including pop-up events, festivals, and culinary experiences.

St. Mary’s Square 比热闹的朴茨茅斯广场更小、更环保、更宁静. 它也是一个不锈钢的革命改革者和中华民国第一任总统雕像的所在地, Sun Yat-Sen. The 14-foot sculpture was created by Bene Buffano, 他是一位意大利裔的贝博体彩app艺术家,他的作品为城市里几个不同的公园增添了光彩. Just across the street from the square lies the Gothic Revival-style Old St. Mary’s Cathedral, 它是这座城市的第一座天主教大教堂,建于1854年,是加州最高的建筑.

Bruce Lee used to watch his father perform Cantonese opera at the Great Star Theater (636 Jackson St.), a 500-seat historic landmark built in 1925. 由于最近的翻新,这座辉煌的表演艺术宫殿重新投入使用. A full calendar of movies, local theater and cabaret works, magic, and authentic Chinese opera now take place at the non-profit theater.

The Chinese Cultural Center (CCC)自1965年以来一直致力于通过街头艺术展示唐人街的遗产. The main gallery is in the Hilton Hotel (750 Kearny St., 3rd Floor. Hours: Tue. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free admission). Its other gallery, situated in Chinatown’s historic Ross Alley, brings together local residents, neighbors, and visitors to engage in art and culture-making activities.

The Chinese Historical Society Museum (965 Clay St.) features a permanent collection of more than 22,000 Chinese and Chinese American historical artifacts. 该博物馆还致力于展示当代美籍华人艺术家和设计师的作品. On the first weekend in May, the museum sponsors the Joy on Joyce Street Festival, featuring artisans, food vendors, 以及来自湾区亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民社区的表演者.

The Showgirl Magic Museum 向20世纪五六十年代唐人街充满活力的夜总会场景以及使之成为现实的人们致敬. Beautiful headdresses, 那个迷人时代的服装和其他纪念品永久地陈列在号角表演艺术中心(2 Waverly Pl).). The center also hosts a variety of film screenings, musical events, 以及其他围绕唐人街社区的文化节目.

Family in Chinatown

Celebrate Lunar New Year

每年二月,唐人街都充满了游行、烟花和农历新年的节日. It's a one-of-a-kind celebration that makes for a great time to visit!


Eating and Drinking in Chinatown

No visit to Chinatown is complete without sampling some dim sum传统上是早餐或午餐吃的美味佳肴. The Hang Ah Tea Room, hidden away in a back alley (1 Pagoda Pl.) is America’s oldest dim sum parlor. It first opened in 1920!

装饰着名人和前任总统大嚼美味佳肴的照片 Eastern Bakery (720 Grant Ave.) is another Chinatown institution known for its delicious mooncakes.

The Red Blossom Tea Company (831 Grant Ave.)是唐人街的一家店,提供来自中国大陆和台湾的异国情调的饮料. 这家小商店有两个小柜台,专业工作人员会在那里介绍产地, harvest, and preparation of the loose leaves.

Jade Chocolates (607 Grant Ave.)展示了亚洲风格的巧克力,并提供茶、烘焙食品和冰淇淋圣代. If cookies are what you crave, you can do no better than a visit to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory (56 Ross Alley). 幸运饼干诞生于贝博体彩app,工厂从1962年就开始大量生产!

Brandon Jew of Mister Jiu’s (28 Waverly Pl.) won the 2022 James Beard Award for “Best Chef: California.” His Michelin-starred 是一家位于唐人街历史悠久的建筑内的当代美籍华人精致餐厅和酒吧,专门提供地道的粤菜和现代加州风味的混合.

Michelin-starred chef Ho Chee Boon’s Empress by Boon (838 Grant Ave.)接管了富丽堂皇的中国皇后大厦六楼的历史宴会厅.  The palatial restaurant, which sports panoramic views over Portsmouth Square Park, offers a seasonal menu inspired by modern Cantonese dishes.

More Places to Eat in Chinatown

Nightlife in Chinatown

唐人街也是一个喝鸡尾酒聊天的好地方. 这个历史悠久的街区有几个经典的潜水酒吧,包括 The Buddha Lounge (901 Grant Ave.), 啤酒装在佛形玻璃杯里,你可以和酒保玩掷骰子, and Li Po Lounge (916 Grant Ave), 它是以一位8世纪道教诗人的名字命名的,也是安东尼·波登最喜欢去的地方之一. 他们以在巨大的迈泰酒中加入神秘的“中国白酒”而闻名。.

Moongate Lounge at Mister Jiu’s (28 Waverly Pl.) is located just above the critically acclaimed restaurant. 以月亮为主题的“聆听酒廊”专门提供以中国农历和有机为基础的时令鸡尾酒, biodynamic California wines by the glass. Weekend nights here feature live local DJ sets.

The two-level The Lion’s Den (57 Wentworth Pl.) is the first new club to open in Chinatown in decades. A stylish lounge area for casual conversation, 还有一个经常举办现场表演和dj的表演空间,这是一个在城里度过整个夜晚的绝佳选择. There’s also a members-only room for privacy and personal bottles.

Calvin Louie and Cliff Banayat of Lion's Den

Heart of the City: Chinatown


Exterior of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.

Visit San Francisco's Asian Art Museum

Although not in Chinatown, 贝博体彩app亚洲艺术博物馆是世界上收藏亚洲艺术品最多的博物馆之一.


Author Ocean Malandra
Ocean Malandra

Ocean Malandra出生在贝博体彩app,在北海滩附近长大. A freelance journalist who covers food, travel, and the environment, he has been published in more than 30 different media outlets, including 7x7 Magazine, Vice, Mongabay, USA Today Travel, Earth Island Journal, The Culture Trip, Parabola Magazine, High Times Magazine, and Paste Magazine.
